Men's Health - Audience blog tasks

idea of the demographics and psychographics for the Men's Health target audience then answer the following questions:

1) How does the magazine introduce itself?
It begins by acknowledging that it is best selling, followed by mentioning its target audience. It then goes on to list which aspects the magazine revolves around, creating the picture of a certain lifestyle.

2) What does the introduction suggest about the representation of masculinity in Men's Health's?
It creates a representation of the 'New Man' by mentioning grooming, fashion etc. This deters from traditional masculinity where men do not really put effort into their appearance. 

3) How do the print statistics for Men's Health compare to GQ and Esquire?
Men's Health has much higher print statistics than GQ and Esquire, suggesting it is much more popular.

4) What is the difference between circulation and readership?
Circulation is a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed. Readership is an estimate of how many readers a publication has.

5) What is the circulation of Men's Health in thousands? What about the readership for ABC1 men? AB men?

6) How do readers generally interact with the digital version of the magazine?
-562,000 monthly unique viewers
-1,200,000 monthly viewers
-1,934,000 page views

7) How many people do Men's Health reach across social media platforms?
-Facebook 944K
-Twitter 285K
-Instagram 66K

8) What is the audience profile for Men's Health readers? 
Affluent, intelligent, successful
-90K ABC1, 25-44

9) What is the Men's Health fashion philosophy? How much do Men's Health readers collectively spend on fashion?
Fashion philosophy: Stylish, contemporary, wearable, individual. 
10) What is the average watch collection value for the Men's Health audience? What do the statistics about watches suggest about the Men's Health audience demographics and psychographics?  
Average: £4,123
This reflects the successful, ABC1, wealthy audience profile.

11) What percentage of Men's Health readers use moisturiser daily? What does this suggest about Men's Health readers' view of masculinity?
73% moisturise daily- suggests these men support the representation and role of the "New Man" in society.

12) What does the media pack suggest regarding the Men's Health audience for fitness and technology?
It tells us that 702K readers own a fitness device, suggesting that these men invest a lot of money and are serious about building their body into the traditional hunky, muscular type.

13) Men's Health luxe is a series of magazines distributed with Men's Health targeting a specific aspect of the Men's Health audience. What are these three brand extension magazines called and what do they cover?
Urban Active, synchronised, epicure.
These cover sports, the watch industry, and best restaurants/foods/kitchen skills.

14) What do the Men's Health luxe magazines suggest about the demographics and psychographics of the Men's Health audience?
They are elite succeeders in the ABC1 demographics.

15) What additional brand extensions do Men's Health offer?
Range of premium products focused around health and wellbeing.

16) What are the global statistics for Men's Health?
Global Statistics:

  • International Editions 37
  • Countries Published 60
  • Global Circulation 4.5M
  • Global Readership 26.7M
  • Websites 25M
  • Uniques 23.7M
  • Social Media footprint 19.3M

18) What audience pleasures are offered by the magazine?
The audience pleasures offered by the magazine are:
  • Surveillance: This is because it informs the men on what they need to do to be fit and healthy. It teaches them what to do for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Personal identity: This is because the readers may see themselves reflected through what they see.

19) What lifestyle and job would you expect the average Men's Health reader to have?
Luxury, hard-work, success, elite, smart.

20) Why do you think Men's Health has managed to remain profitable when many other magazines have struggled due to the rise of digital media?

Their target audience and demographics are an audience which are elite and still support the traditional aspect of newspapers. They also promote a very successful lifestyle which a wide range of males strive for, drawing more attention
