Mail Online
Chilling new CCTV reveals the Westminster terrorist grinning as he checks into hotel days
before attack - and carrying out a 'dry run' of the carnage that left five people dead.
This article is about the reveal of cct of the man khalid Masood in his last days in a fish and chip shop, tescos where he buys weapons.
The driver ploughed into pedestrians outside the Mosque while screaming Islamophobic remarks, such as 'dirty Muslims' before speeding off. Three people were injured and taken to hospital, their condition is unknown.
This is an example of hard news. It appeals to an audience in terms of surveillance (Blumler and Katz) as people want to be informed and educated about the events happening in their area. I think that this is an example of quality journalism as it explains what happened well and features many pictures and videos to help inform the reader more clearly.
i news
BBC considers making over 75s pay after admitting ‘we need more money’- Inews
The BBC has been facing many cuts. They state that the funding model for the BBC is 'unsustainable' and that they need 'more money'. Previously, anyone aged over 75 years old didn't have to pay the yearly license fee. However, the BBC is thinking of changing this.
The government responded by saying that “If granny is living in in a household with people under 75 there’s no reason they shouldn’t pay the licence fee. But if the BBC dropped the free licence policy it would have to face the heat from the public.”
This is an example of soft news. However, it is still quite important because the BBC is probably the most trusted news site. If they are having money issues then it could lead to lower quality journalism.
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